What we have done so far in this class, I feel that my writing has greatly improved. I can start writing down the first thing that comes to my mind, instead of just sitting there for hours just trying to fill up one page. In my opinion, writing is difficult if you do not know how to properly do it. Writing starts with 3 steps: organizing, writing and completing. Ideas and gathering information always be the first step I started with but the problem was getting those ideas to written down. My mind would move from one thing to another at a rapid pace but my writing was stagnant. I just could not find a way to write. It just became frustrating to do a simple 2 pages essay. From reading and seeing different articles I have expanded my knowledge of writing.
Exploring Language textbook is one of the best guides help me improved my writing. The most interesting I like about this text is that it contains the writing of diverse authors on multiple subjects. It is very interesting to read what each of these authors has to say about whatever topic they are writing about. Beyond what they say, I am studying how they write. I see how they convey their ideas and try to incorporate them into my own writings. What I have noticed is that the more I read the more I see how diverse writing can be. Everyone has a unique voice and if you know how to write, you can express that voice. I can relate to an author in the book like Malcolm X, who was uneducated but when he began to read his knowledge grew and he became a better writer. When he did become a great writer he said it was a freeing experience for him. I can truly understand because when you do not know how to do something, in a way you become fearful of it and tend to avoid it. So when I was frustrated with writing I did feel as if it was a weight I could not get off. As Malcolm X, when I started to improve my writing it did become a freeing experience because I now finally had confidence. I still have a long way to go but this is a great foundation that I have made for myself.
The peer responses also another way improved my writing. It’s one thing to have confidence in yourself and think that what you have written is the best thing ever. You need to be brought back down to reality and peer response is just that thing to do it. Through peer response there is an exchange of ideas and both parties benefit. As I have received peer responses I have taken the advice and it has helped me improve my writing. When I write I feel as if it is the best I have done but when a peer reads it they can find holes and things I have missed and I can take this advice and make my writing even better. There is a chapter in the Exploring Language text that explores the communication gap and how people talk to each other. The main idea was that if people talk to one another then ideas are exchanged and everyone is better off from it and it expands knowledge. By taking this lesson to heart, peer responses are a great way to expand anyone’s writing. Practice, practice, and practice is the way to improve my writing. Not only reading but listening to other people advice is another way. And I shall continue writing more!