Friday, May 21, 2010

Another Research Paper...

First I want to say, “Woohooo!! There only two week left in school.” I can’t explain to you how much school works I have in the last few days and in these final two week. Home work, test, report project, and research paper. Talk about my research paper for English due this Sunday, it coming along very slowly. Honestly, the last few days for me been very hectic; I feel like my brain about to explode somehow. Thinking about how I am going to write this paper when I have my project and report due this Monday. I want to say that I do not want to do it. It sound like I’m giving up and being lazy but I really do not want to do this at all. There just is not enough time in the day and this week for me because I have a test and report to work on. This class combined with my Business Communication and Math for Business/Economics classes have weighed me down all semester. There is so much work and little time. I am aware of what I signed up for and what it’s going to take to finish. These higher courses require high level work. If you not up for the challenge then just drop this class. I am fully aware of what is at stake and plan on tackling it head on. This research project requires all the knowledge I have gained from the past several weeks in the class. This is a challenge of skills and I feel I can accept this challenge.

At first I want to write on Education in Iran but I haven’t done any research on this topic. However, I already read The Great Gatsby about few years ago but I don’t remember anything about the book. Therefore I started re-read the book, but still have to finish reading. There is a temptation to go out with friends, watch the NBA playoffs, and play video games instead. These distractions could hold me off from writing this paper. Because there are many great games have come out this month. I told myself that I can play all these game after I’m done with school, so I decided to unplug my videogame console. The end of this road is so close and I do not want to stumble and fall on the ground. This is the end of my year at AVC so I have to give it all. I have worked so hard this semester I want to finish strong. I have to work really hard these final weeks and get this done. After I finished reading The Great Gatsby I will then proceed to make an outline of it and of RLit. Based on what the prompt is asking for I will make a rough outline of what my essay will look like. This essay does require it to be long. I will definitely have to make a detailed outline of both books. Combined with this outline I will integrate some outside research I have done. I know the majority of the essay will come from the two books but there needs to be some outside sources. It starts with the outline and once I complete that then the essay will be a breeze. Writing comes easy if I know what to write about. Once I complete my first draft I will seek the help of tutors to ensure my essay is on par with what is required of it. The online tutoring service will definitely be used by me. I would be a dumb not to use it. What I have learned from the previous essays is that peer review is priceless. The input from others will help me to strengthen my paper. The only difficulty I have is the research on EBSCO HOST and make an outline after that. I hope I can finish my first draft by Sunday but first I need to finish reading the book.


  1. I know how you feel. I just finished Reading the Great Gatsby last night at 3am after I got home from work at 2:45am. And now I am trying to power through this essay and do my blog responses. I have 9 hours before its all due, but I just want to sleep because I am so tired. EBSCOhost is pretty daunting to use if you don't know exactly what your looking for. I think all of us Gatsby prompt writers will really benefit from each others essays in the Peer Review, seeing what sources and structures work better. I think this prompt is pretty open and loose, so it's hard to figure out an exact direction there. This whole commiserating thing is in some respects depressing, but also comforting to know that we all seem to be struggling at this point. Makes you feel less lonely, you know what I mean?

    I wish you best of luck on completing your essay though. It is possible, and stay away from those video games whatever you do! I know from reading all of your blogs that you are definitely a talented writer and that this essay will turn out great too.

    -Ben Andrews

  2. Yes, I know how you feel. I also feel there isn’t enough time to complete the research paper due to all works required toward finals now. My case, in additional to all works, I accompanied my dad this week who was visiting LA area as business trip. I just came back from LA this morning, since I haven’t worked on research paper before, I am way behind. But we are only two weeks away from the end. So we can overcome this difficulty by working extra hard these two weeks. Now I got audio book on my ipod, which helps me so much to read the text (Ms. Gross suggested me, and it works very well for me). So now, every moment I have, I am going to listen to the text. It’s crazy I am even not done with reading the book, Lolita, but it’s a reality, so I just have to finish it without only worrying. Well, sounds like you know what you are doing. That’s great! Disconnecting game device sounds good. Every minute counts in final week, so your attitude also encourages me to work hard. Thanks. Doing outline sounds also good. I am also outlining the important part while reading a book; I believe it saves time to remind the idea of the book without reading the book again. And it helps to find useful quotes from the text. Yes, I agree that smarthinking is a good choice. I was amazed with the response from online tutor last time when I received her advice. So good luck! You are motivated, so I am sure you can achieve it!
