What is online communication? Blog, IM, E-mail, etc… has changed the way we speak. The advancement in technology and the internet has allowed us to be connected anywhere and anytime we want. It is as if we are plugged into the machines that we use. As these machines become more and more apart of our lives we use them to speak for us. The internet has allowed anyone in the world to have a voice. That voice can be heard by all through the internet. Each of these voices has its unique communication style. It ranges from short and sweet to long, overdrawn, complex ideas. My online communication style I like to do both.
I am both brief and detailed when it come to communicate online. It depends on what the situation is. When I am talking to my friends I am mostly brief and to the point. When we talk it is mostly about random things. Whether it is about the ladies, sports, games, movies, or anything else we just speak in short sentences online. I believe we do this because we are on a computer and it is different to read then to hear. When we speak to each other physically we can listen and talk for hours. But when we communicate online we have to type and read, this just leads us to be short and to the point. When we speak physically we can speak over hundreds per minute. When we speak thorough typing, most of us cannot type as fast as we speak thus this leads to brief communication online. We have to be short and to the point or else if we took a long time to type the conversation would be lost and we would be constantly backtracking trying to figure out what we were talking about. If this was to happen it would just lead to frustration and we would probably stop talking online. When I do write online in complex and expanded language it is more then likely because I am do an assignment or talking to someone of significance such as a professor. When I am talking to professionals I have to speak professionally online to be taken seriously by them or else they will just brush me aside as immature. Even though I’m online when speaking to people of significance it is important to speak to them as if they were sitting across from you. Communicating online is critical to make sure that you are careful how you do it. When people communicate online those words they use are the only things people from around the world have to get to know you. If you communicate in a professional matter it will resonate that you are a person of knowledge and if you speak in an unprofessional matter using slang and misspelled words it will send the signal that you may be a kid or teenager. Even though we are communicating online and others can’t see us they can still read us and the way we speak will tell them who we are. I try to be a professional when I communicate no matter if it is online or offline.
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